Crescete a Soul Valley
I nostri ritiri
Scopri la nostra vasta gamma di ritiri di una settimana, ospitati da insegnanti esperti.
Clicca qui per la nostra esperienza estiva flessibile.
Nostri ritiri nel 2024 (al momento tutti in inglese/tedesco):
Fields of Grace
May 11 - 18•shared or private room•incl. prep-work
During this Immersion you will be held in a carefully curated space by world-renowned tantra facilitator Sofia Sundari and her Temple team. You will release the attachment to 3D matrix and occupy your space in the limitlessness of your true Eternal Being – the Fields of Grace.
This Work is for people who desire to merge entirely with the TOTALITY of Love.
When we gather in-person in the Temple we are practicing High-level Tantra, which is an advanced path for energetic mastery of Life.
Once you sign up to this Immersion you enter the Temple field. From here… all you have to do is commit to yourself and show up in openness to Grace.
Because it is Love that works through the Temple, heals, re-patterns and transforms you into the Magnificent One you came here to be.
You will walk away…
- with profound remembrance of your inherent Divinity
- having claimed your throne and the path of your Supreme Destiny
- with a renewed sense of limitless prosperity and trust in Life
- feeling your orgasmic body activated and restored to its intrinsic radiance
- expanded beyond the limits of the mind into the limitless knowing of your heart
- ready to fully Live giving your greatest Gift with every breath you take
- having unplugged from 3d reality and discovered states of Ecstasy that last and that make you magnetic to the right circumstances and people
Tantra Yoga Retreat
May 18 - 25•shared or private room•in German
Tauche voll ein in dein freudvolles, ganzes Sein. Erfahre dich selbst als schwingendes Ganzes, kreierend, kreativ schöpfend, pulsierend, tief atmend, freudvoll und genussvoll bewegend.
Tantra Yoga beschäftigt sich mit den energetischen Aspekten des Yoga und der authentischen Verkörperung unseres Selbst. Im Tantra Yoga geht es um das Leben selbst, es voll und ganz zu erfahren und zu zelebrieren, mit all seinen Höhen und Tiefen, Freuden und Sorgen, die Essenz aus jeder Erfahrung zu extrahieren und sich als schöpferisches Wesen zu erkennen.
In dieser 7-tägigen Yoga Immersion tauchen wir in das Herz des Tantra Yoga ein.
Wir öffnen uns der Magie der Praxis und lassen uns auf tiefe Erfahrungen der inneren Einheit und der Glückseligkeit des Selbst ein. Wir erfahren die unbändige Kraft des eigenen kreativ-schöpferischen Potentials (Kundalini Shakti) und erwecken die tiefsten Herzenswünsche in uns (Dharma).
Es wird kraftvoll und tief gehen und zugleich total freudvoll leicht, lustig, herz-zentriert, humorvoll, frei und genussvoll sein, in wundervoller Umgebung mit grossartigen Menschen.
Nichts muss, kein Dogma, du spürst und praktizierst so, wie es dir zutiefst gut tut und dich nährt, du kannst jederzeit Pausen und die Praxis individuell anpassen.
Grunderfahrungen im Yoga werden vorausgesetzt (mind. 1 Jahr). Yoga Lehrer (auch angehende) können ein Fortbildungszertifikat über 30h Continuing Education bekommen.
Es sind ALLE von Herzen Willkommen die Lust haben freudvoll einzutauchen.
Liberated Self - an immersive retreat
May 25 - June 1•shared or private room•including spa
Join me for a unique cocoon designed to bring you home to a Self. The Self is the master key which answers the longing most of us feel for love, compassion, creativity, and wholeness. This retreat has been curated answer to the overwhelming need to nourish and clarify the mysterious beingness that connects us all together. This is the field we call Self
It is time for each of us to know the expansive, wide, real-world felt sense of the Self energy. Without which, everything else in our life is a mere shade of the full experience. In the yoga tradition, it is known as the Atman, The Shiva space, source energy, the big consciousness of life essence that takes up residence in each one of us.
This immersive retreat experience is curated specifically to allow time for you to immerse in the resonant field of Self. Combining Somatics, Embodied Flow practices, the Psychological model of Internal Family Systems, and Yoga we practice to cultivate this field which expands when we are together.
This experience is for you if:
- Ready to unlock the doorways to freedom
- You are looking for something less intense than a training but with just as much depth
- Wish to find like minded tribe that resonate in an authentic field
- Are ready to truly look under the hood of your vehicle
- Like to dance, laugh and play
Together as we marinate in the essence of the essential ground of being its familiarity becomes permanently known. Through practices of meditation, free movement, Self-inquiry, somatic dancing, journaling and more we will dive into the frequency of Self-energy supported by Sardinia’s nature.
Sardinia is one of the few designated “Blue Zones” a place where nature and the humans living in it conspire to help people live better lives. Blue zones seem to facilitate lifestyles that bring about community, health, purpose, and integration in nature in it’s nature.
I have intentionaly called this an immersive retreat, meaning, it is not intended as a “vacation” but an advance in your tranformational journey of becoming you.
I feel passionately that this is the most important work we do in the landscape of yoga, and I invite you to enter with me into the mysterious realm of the I:i- the big Self and little self yoking in intimate union that is home.
Silent Retreat
June 8 - 15•private room•now 40% opening discount
Experience the power of silence in this life-changing retreat. Deactivate your mind and give space to your true self. Combination of meditations, yoga, breathwork and self-knowledge activities. Perfect for all levels.
Discover what really matters for you in life. If we take the step into silence, life rewards us with insights and letting go of things that no longer serve us.
Practical guidelines how to maintain this soul state of being when returning in your daily life.
Magical surroundings and facilities. You stay in a private boutique room with en suite bathroom. Sea view pool, delicious food, included spa, immersed in nature.
Good Vibrations Retreat
June 15 - 22•private room•now 40% opening discount
Dance, shake, sing and breathe. We’ll dance and feel our bodies, open our hearts, and feel joy. We do breathwork, which can open you to a higher vibrational state of awareness and strengthen your life force. We’ll go on sound journeys and experience the healing power of our own voice and of the singing bowls, gongs, drums and other instruments. We’ll practice active meditations, yoga, theatre, walk in nature and sense the earth.
Join us and feel energized. Get rid of what does not serve you any longer and let the good vibrations in!
There is enough time to enjoy nature, the sauna’s, jacuzzi and to take a swim in the amazing pool. We serve healthy, tasty and mostly organic vegetarian food.
You will love the atmosphere of the beautiful boutique rooms with great beds. Enjoy your book on the terrace with sea view, take a walk, or just relax and do nothing and let the Italian summer sun warm you. You can book an additional massage.
Fall Equinox Yoga Retreat
Sep 21 - 28•shared or private room•including spa
Join us for this unforgettable adventure in Sardinia, Italy! Led by Joan Hyman and hosted by Tina Schmelzer from Schoolof.Yoga. This retreat will offer a unique blend of yoga practice and an opportunity to extend your summer in the "Caribbean of Europe."
In Sardinia, you'll experience the beauty of the equinox season, where the sun still shines, and nature is at its best, allowing you to savor an extended summer. This retreat is your chance to find balance and reconnect with nature. Immerse yourself in the local culture against the backdrop of Sardinia's pristine landscapes and beaches.
Enjoy yoga, mindfulness, and the vibrant local culture. Our aim is to leave you feeling refreshed and help you get in touch with the natural world. We look forward to sharing this experience with you!
Price in shared room in main building is 2.050 euro, in cottage 2.350 euro. A single room in the main building is 2.350 euro, and in cottage 2.700 euro (sold out).
For more info and bookings:
RAJA Lovers Retreat
Sep 28 - Oct 5•shared room•including spa
What is the Essence of Desire, of Pleasure? Is it possible to use them as a stepping stone to Consciousness? Or is all a source of suffering? Desire and pleasure are part of the journey of life. They motivate our actions, decisions, and relationships. We get some momentary fulfilments from them and some frustrations too! The frustrations lead to more desire for pleasurable moments. It goes on and on. We are prisoners of this loop, and this generates a lot of suffering.
Is there a way out of the loop which doesn’t condemn pleasure and desire?
Tantra has developed methods teaching us to be desireless in desire.
How is that possible?
Entering the emptiness of the Heart is the essential Step!
The Raja Lovers Retreat explores this step through a Ritual involving the embrace, the caresses, and the kisses between two lovers. All the intimate gestures of the lovers are a means to fuse the body with intense life energy. While channelling this energy to the Heart, we provoke a meeting beyond ego, personality, restricted beliefs, and dreams. A true meeting happens by blending refined physical sensations with high awareness, discipline, and devotion during the Ritual.
The preparation for the Ritual during the retreat invites the lovers to move out of mechanical sex and mind projections and expectations. It is a profound enquiry into the body’s rhythms, breath, mind and the emptiness of the Heart. The retreat supports lovers in awakening their energies and bodies to refined sensitivity and vitality to activate their potential for love and consciousness.
What does Pema say about the Ritual?
“There are a few aspects of lovemaking from the Raja Ritual. The first one consists of realising that all the postures we take in sexual intercourse are a yoga of creation with specific patterns of energies. During the Ritual, you tap into these patterns to extract forces uplifting you into the Heart.
The second aspect concerns the biological aspect of the energy present during intercourse. If not used for creating a child, this aspect can be used for another type of creation. In the Ritual, you combine the energy patterns mentioned above with the biological element of creation to generate inner and outer forms of creation. It is a mysterious process that shifts intercourse into a new dimension.
Another aspect is about Desire, one of the powerful energies fuelling the Raja Ritual. There is a deep understanding of desire: whatever we desire, we want to be one with. It means desire is also a key to oneness. In the Ritual, we tap into desire to come to a point of unity where we become desireless at the peak of desire. It is a powerful transformation, bringing about a state of wonder, freedom and peace beyond words…”
For information about the program you can visit the website or send an e-mail:
Embodied Self-Leadership Retreat
Oct 5 - 12•shared or single room•in German
Gemeinsam Kraft tanken inmitten dynamischer Zeiten. Vertrauen in die eigene Weisheit und wahrhafte Entscheidungen stärken. In Verbindung mit der Natur Antworten auf bedeutsame Fragen finden.
Body-Mind-Praktiken wie Qigong zu Sonnenaufgang, Meditation, Feldenkrais (Bewusstheit durch Bewegung), Gehen in der Natur, Journaling und Austausch in der Gruppe unterstützen uns im Prozess. Sich Zeit für innere Reisen nehmen, Kontakt mit der wunderbaren intakten Natur, wertschätzendes Miteinander und die vielen Ressourcen des Retreat-Hotels ermöglicht eine ganz besondere Art von Erholung.
Nach einem intensiven Retreatmorgen-und Vormittag ist der Nachmittag «frei» für Allein-Sein, kleine Ausflüge, Ruhen – was immer es gerade braucht.
Es gibt fünf Kurs-Tage und einen Tag Pause – eine Möglichkeit einen Ausflug in die Umgebung zu machen.
Hier geht es zum Flyer mit den Details:
Fragen gerne per Mail oder auch per Telefon:
Iris Uderstädt
+41 79 800 84 22
Men Retreat FEEL
Oct 12 - 19•private room•now 40% opening discount
Take a break! A full week retreat where you can escape from the busy daily life in order to enjoy some well-deserved time fully dedicated to YOU!
Recharge your batteries, raise energy levels and calm down the mind through a mixture of activities:
- spending time at the pool, the beach and walks in nature
- different types of meditations and bodywork
- practices to get in touch with your true self and find new inspiration
- practices that will teach you how to lower stress and increase vitality in your daily life
This retreat is a balanced mixture of fun & relaxation and inner exploration.
We will come together with a group of men in this amazing venue in the middle of nature and close to the azure blue Mediterranean Sea.
If you answer YES to at least 3 of the following questions, this retreat is a perfect fit for you.
Would you like to:
- recharge in the sea, beach and nature?
- change frustrating habits?
- gain new inspiration and insights?
- fill up inner emptiness by deep inner connections?
- learn to feel more instead of endless thinking?
- have some good old fashioned fun with like-minded guys?
Soul Valley is situated in a private valley with stunning views. A perfect escape to reconnect with your body and soul, to grow and find new inspiration. You will enjoy true silence, clean air and starry nights in one of the most beautiful destinations in the world: Sardinia.
Everything is included: seven nights in your own boutique room with king-size bed and en-suite bathroom, incredible food, drinks (we serve no alcohol during the retreat) and access to the spa and sea-view pool.
Arrival is on Saturday after 15.00. During the program you will have enough free time between the activities to enjoy the amazing facilities and surroundings of Soul Valley. Check-out is Saturday morning before 10.00.
Yin & Yang Yoga Retreat
Oct 19 - 26•private room•now 20% opening discount
Welcome to our Yin & Yang Yoga Retreat, where the art of balance becomes a joyful experience of self-discovery. Join us for dynamic and restorative yoga practices helping you unlock the secrets of equilibrium within your body, mind, and soul.
This retreat is crafted for all levels and allows us to attune ourselves to nature’s rhythm. Discover the dance between stability and lightness, and leave with a renewed sense of balance that extends beyond your yoga mat.
Incredible boutique room all for yourself, with en-suite bathroom and vegan bodycare products. Nourishing homegrown vegetarian food. Magical surroundings and facilities. You can book an additional massage.
Tantra Consciousness
Oct 26 - Nov 2•shared room•including spa
An encounter with Homa & Mukto, dedicated to self-knowledge and openness to love through Tantra. A “Yes” for life, for love and for the natural flow of our own energy.
The opening of the heart provides a “cool breeze” that dispels the frustration that many of us may feel around intimacy.
Neither indulgent nor repressive, Tantra Consciousness will help you to say yes to life; to allow the pleasure of the senses and to experience the silence of meditation.
Intimacy and joy come naturally when we can be in a state of presence. This brings us closer to ourselves, to our partners and to this precious present moment.
Cerchi un ritiro quest'estate?
Tra il 22 giugno e il 21 settembre ti offriamo la nostra Summer Experience flessibile. Scegli semplicemente il periodo più adatto a te e divertiti! Inclusa una boutique room privata, tre attività giornaliere, spa, cibo e bevande.
Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui. Ora sconto di apertura del 20%.
Rent the Venue
La location è davvero unica per organizzare dei ritiri o corsi di formazione: con alloggi stupendi e strutture ideali immerse nella natura. Al vostro evento riceverete un’accoglienza calorosa e cordiale. Le spese di affitto e di pulizia sono incluse nel prezzo. Si paga solo il vitto e l’alloggio.